Business credit cards are cards that can help any small business owner save cash while purchasing the equipment that the business may need to perform necessary business functions.
Some of the same principles that apply to personal credit cards should be applied to business credit cards. It is also becoming more common, as certain surveys are reporting upwards of 60% of business have credit cards. Here are some of the surprising benefits that comes with having a business credit card.
Increase Credit Rating
If you have a business credit card and make timely payments as you would with a personal credit card, a business’ credit rating can increase exponentially. There may be even more benefits if you do business with a supplier who report transactions directly to credit bureaus to confirm these ratings. It is very important not to misuse them, but if they are used wisely, it can result in a great gain in the form of a great credit score.
You can consult information from Grand Canyon Advisors for more information regarding credit cards.
Higher Credit Limits
There is also the fact that credit limits can be increased, making major purchases will be much easier. In terms of the credit limit that is set for most business credit cards, they typically hover around the $50,000 mark. Odds are with a credit limit that high, you would not be able to make these kinds of purchases on a regular, personal credit card. If businesses show financial responsibility, purchases on a larger scale can possibly be made.
Separate Business Credit
One of the biggest advantages that you can get with a business credit card is that it acts as a separate business credit. When companies are granted a business credit card, it stands on its own. This means that personal credit rating is not affected by any transactions that take place within the business. This can ease a lot of stress and makes it unnecessary to sort personal and business transactions when tax season arrives.
Demonstrates Business Growth
This happens to be an advantage of business credit cards that often goes overlooked. With a credit card, you would be able to demonstrate business growth while advertising it at the same time. Even if the business is home-based, you can gain more credibility if you were to flash a business credit card. The best part? It requires no effort on your end at all.
Control Employee Spending
Getting a business credit card will make it easier for you to track employee spending. Once you hire your staff, the needs of the business will fluctuate, but with a set credit limit, you can see who is spending money on what. You would be able to take proper action thereafter.
As you can see, getting a business credit card can have numerous benefits for business owners anywhere. From the ability to track what employees are spending money on the card to advertising the business, credit cards can have great benefits to any institution. For more information on the benefits of credit cards and what they can do for a business, you can consult the experts at Grand Canyon Advisors, who are leaders in the industry